Explore my latest insights…
See below for common challenges I think we can all relate to. Each article will always include practical tips for you to do some “self coaching”.
Leadership and Parenting… what’s the connection?
What are some of the most helpful connections between leadership and parenting? Learn 3 self coaching exercises to help you explore polarities, control, and ego.
3 tricks your brain plays on you and how to overcome them.
Even though a lot has changed since our hunter gatherer days, our brain still functions in ways that doesn’t always serve our modern lives. Learn some easy and practical brain hacks to help you gain productivity, time and joy.
Is the idea of “self care” making us feel worse?
Learn how to re-define the idea of “self care” in a way that is most helpful and sustainable long term.
5 ways in which Mindfulness can help you at work.
Learn all about the relationship between your limbic system and your prefrontal cortex, and some basic techniques on how to practice getting the most out of mindfulness at work.
Everything you need to know about Dopamine, and how to take advantage of it.
Learn how to take the most advantage of dopamine, to help you feel better throughout your day.
Overwhelmed or demotivated? Blame your brain.
Learn more about your own brain and how to respect its limitations, and switch from feeling overwhelmed and demotivated to being resilient and productive.
Comparing to others. How to stop?
Whether it’s about money, relationships, career path, possessions, holiday plans, children, homes, looks or weight, we can’t quite resist checking in to see whether someone else has it better than us. Learn some methods you can use to stop this painful behavior, and what to do instead.
Work life balance. Does it exist?
Work life balance. Is it a myth, or is it actually achievable? Learn how to re-define it for your own life.
Battling your inner critic.
If it is so important to be kind to ourselves, and yet so hard, where do we even start? Learn 5 practical strategies that will help you win the battle.